Modern Day Cure is a worship collective led by husband and wife team Aaron and Tamar Chipp. The band's heart is to exalt Jesus, share His truth, and see people changed by His power. Their name is inspired by Hebrews 13:8, which states, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” This truth makes Him the modern day cure. They believe Jesus is the answer the world needs today.

With more than a decade of experience as worship leaders and pastors, the Nashville-based band is known for its energetic and engaging worship and teaching that crosses cultural and denominational boundaries.

Their latest single The Name Is Still The Name declares the timeless truth that the name of Jesus still holds all power. “We pray that when people listen to the song, their faith would be stirred,” says Tamar, lead singer for the band. “From age to age, He remains the same. He still saves. He still delivers. He still heals. His word still holds weight. Demons still have to flee and death has still lost its sting.”

The song was inspired by scriptures like Hebrews 13:8, Psalm 135:13 and Acts 4:12, which says “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.”

“We love hearing people sing this truth over their lives,” says Aaron, drummer and band leader. “Whenever we lead it, the melody is caught very quickly and people really press into worship.”

Modern Day Cure is excited to release more music in the coming months while traveling and leading worship across the country.

Modern Day Cure